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Comprehensive Web Based
Software Solution

For managing Procurement, Issue, Quality Control and Inventory of drugs, vaccines and other health sector goods that are supplied to States and Union Territories under various central disease control programmes.

Comprehensive Web Based
Software Solution

e-Aushadhi helps in better planning and exection with the help of various processes like Demand Management, Order Management & Financial Management Better Planning, Execution & Control

Comprehensive Web Based
Software Solution

e-Aushadhi helps in better planning and exection with the help of various processes like Demand Management, Order Management & Financial Management Online Tracking of Drug Inventory

e-Aushadhi@cmss, for automating the workflow of various process of procurement, management and distribution of various drugs required by different warehouses across State. The main aim of e-Aushadhi is to improve the drug warehouse management system and facilitate to provide cost effective essentials drugs to common people by keeping an eye on the flow of drugs, vaccines, other heath sector goods, information from suppliers to warehouse to health facilities to patients without any delay.


We Provide Best Services

Drug Section

Carry out procurement of drugs, surgical & Reagents

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Statistical Maintenance of Data.

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Storage and Distribution of drugs to State.

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To facilitate the procurement of medicines that meet prescribed safety and health standards

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QA Section

To ensure the quality of drugs.

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Plans the efficient flow and storage of drugs

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What we offer

Programmes under eAushadhi